Good and Cheap C60 Olive Oil continues to prides itself in (You guessed it!) their inexpensive product. While cheap, it is questionable how good it might be. First, their purity and concentration are not the highest (99.95%), which is one of the ways they cut corners to provide a cheap product. Secondly, their plastic bottle is not something commonly used by health products, due to the BPA’s that would inherently contaminate the product, making quality once again to be questioned. Lastly, the presentation of their online storefront shows the lack of sophistication this vendor might have in their production environment. In short, this is in fact the CHEAP brand most would want to stay away from.
The Good and Cheap C60 line has no variety at all, with only one product to choose from. The exact price tag as broken down in their site is now $19.99 for a 3.5oz bottle, a few dollars higher than before. They do some cost breakdown on their website to show how cheap they can make their product, but strangely enough, while pricing for C60 Fullerenes has been on the rise as of late, their breakdown has not changed, and neither has their pricing. This tends to imply that somehow, they are making pricing work, you take a guess on how!
Good and Cheap C60 Olive Oil
Good and Cheap offers 90 mg (99.95%) Solvent Free C60 suspended in 100ml of Olive Oil. They use authentic Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, consistently tested to be authentic olive oil. They claim to source their Carbon 60 from MST-Nano and CheapTubes, both very reputable suppliers. They state that they fully dissolve the C60 by stirring for 2 weeks in complete darkness, and then vacuum filtering through a 0.22um sterilizing filter to remove any undissolved C60 particles. The entire process is done in the dark in sealed containers to protect the oil from any degradation.
While this might seem like a very short review, there is not much more we can say about Good and Cheap C60. They are, in fact, the inexpensive option if cost is your main concern, and not quality! This is the main reason we have ranked them as the bottom provider of carbon 60 in the market.